Movements are easier and less painful
I wanted to follow up on our session, last Saturday, because I really appreciated the experience and I
believe it is important to let you know how beneficial it has been. I was a little woozy at first and napped for a few hours. When I woke up, my legs felt a little odd; as if they were sore, but in a positive way.
I also had shivers, but I did not feel cold. There was a soft pressure in my forehead, especially on the
third-eye. Then I felt a deep calm, and I realised that I had a lot more mobility in my legs and lower
back. I also felt lighter on my feet. Since then, it is easier to sit straight and the pain in my middle
back has decreased. A lot of Stiffness has also been reduced (especially in the morning).
Movements are easier and less painful in general. I fall asleep more easily and am more rested when I
wake up.
My overall stress level has decreased compared to what was before. Also, my third-eye seems to be more active, as I feel a regular pressure that I had not noticed before.
I think you might be a bit of a magician! It is too bad I found you so shortly before heading back home,
but I will be sure to book another appointment when I come back to the area. – Cilia from Canada
Thanks for reading “Movements are easier and less painful” by Orlando Intuitive Healing.
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