Orlando Intuitive Healing
Local Central Florida Life Coaching & Massage Therapy
by Orlando Intuitive Healing
Inspiring Spiritual Intuitive Healing
Kathleen L . Quinlan, LMT MA34322
Orlando Intuitive Healing
Energy Healing and NLP Life Coaching
Certified Since 2001
Kathleen Louise Quinlan with Orlando Intuitive Healing is a Nationally certified Licensed Medical Massage Therapist, LMT (MA-34322).
She holds two national certifications in healing and therapeutic massage from the U.S. and Thailand since 2001. She has studied many modalities of healing including Energy Healing, Advanced Trauma therapy NLP (Neuro Linguistic Processing), Tapping, and Past Life Regression.
Along with providing many techniques in healing, Kathleen has additionally become certified as a Life Coach and uses her innate ability to hone in on emotional balances, from past to present using her empathic skills since childhood.
She provides therapeutic massage in traditional massage therapy and in Advanced Thai Sen Sib Lines Healing (levels I, II, & III). She also teaches Energy Healing Techniques and presents workshops as well as other modalities in which she is certified in. Kathleen is also licensed in Energy Healing, Neuro-Linguistic Processing (NLP), and Past Life Regression Therapy.
She also specializes in healing the heart and soul with her unique intuitive sensitivity as she reaches the deep emotions of the heart and releases trauma. Through her use of intuition and empathic sensitivity, Kathleen, opens the heart and soul to transform the client to unlimited possibilities in their health, life, work, and emotional state which provides new energy, balancing, past and present restoration of hope and passion into their lives, enlightening them to take new directions in their life and in business.